Pray For Our Marianists Blesseds In Their Cause For Sainthood
God gives us the saints to encourage and guide us on the path of Christian life. It is important not to let this help be lost, especially when it concerns our Marianist Family. A beatification or canonization is, above all, the fruit of the people’s devotion and attachment to this witness whose power of intercession we use, bringing about graces and miracles.
To learn more about our Marianist Blesseds and their causes for Sainthood,
you can also visit the Marianist International site.

Blessed Maria De La Conception
Adèle de Batz de Trenquelleon, Founder, with Fr. Chaminade, of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (FMI, Marianist Sisters)

Blessed Martyrs of Ciudad Real
Spanish martyrs during the persecution of the Church in the 1930s

Blessed Martyrs of Madrid
Spanish martyrs during the persecution of the Church in the 1930s
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