Education, empowerment, dignity
The Marianists have been serving the poorest of the poor in India and Eastern Africa for decades. Through education, job training, and empowerment programs, we help people lift themselves out of desperate poverty and into lives of hope.
Each year, we serve more than 12,000 people — mostly children and women — through these Partnering with the Poor programs.
Please consider joining the Marianists in offering education, empowerment, and dignity to some of the “least of these.”

In India, the Marianists work in cities and rural areas to
raise up those on the very bottom rungs of society.
In a country where about 30% of the rural residents are illiterate, our four
schools boast much higher graduation rates than government schools and educate more than 2,400 children each year.
In the cities of Ranchi and Bangalore, the Marianists provide safe havens, job training, and empowerment programs for those living in slums and on the streets.
Learn more about Marianist ministries in India.
Eastern Africa

The Eastern Africa countries of Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia are some of the poorest on the planet.
In Kenya, half of the population lives below the poverty line. In Malawi, only 3% of the population completes high school. In Zambia, 75% of the population live on less than $1.25 per day.
Education is a powerful tool for dismantling these formidable obstacles. We confront them the best way we know: one child, one young person, one family at a time. The Marianists sponsor these ministries:
- Marianist Technical Institute Mombasa, in Mombasa, Kenya
- IMANI skills training center, in Nairobi, Kenya
- Our Lady of Nazareth Primary School, in Nairobi, Kenya
- UJAMAA Family Center, in Nairobi, Kenya
- Chaminade Secondary School, in Karonga, Malawi
- MIRACLE skills training center, in Karonga, Malawi
- Chaminade Marianist Secondary School, in Lilongwe, Malawi
- Matero Boys’ School, in Lusaka, Zambia
Each year, these ministries serve nearly 3,500 people, offering them the “hand up” that enables them to support themselves and build stronger families and communities.
Read more about our ministries in Eastern Africa.