Living the Marianist charism

Carrying out our vocation

In order to carry out our vocation as Lay Marianists, we have practices that unite us and give form to our commitment. These are often called a “Plan of Life” or “Rule of Life,” and they include recommendations on practices such as:

  • Regularly attending community gatherings
  • A personal and communal prayer life
  • Uniting in prayer through the 3 O’clock Prayer
  • Supporting the local, national, and international lay community
  • Connecting with other branches of the Marianist Family

These are the ways in which Lay Marianists live the pillars of the Marianist Charism in their daily lives:

  • Faith – Flowing from one’s baptismal promise, a Lay Marianist embraces the vocation to follow Christ. Prayer and scripture are central to embodying the virtues of Jesus.
  • Community – Marianists live our faith within the context of our inclusive and welcoming relationships with other people, characterized by the tenet of Discipleship of Equals. Generally this is done through participation in a small Christian community known as a Marianist Lay Community (MLC). When this is not possible, virtual (cyber) communities can fill this need. An individual may also create a new community among those who are available in his or her locale.
  • Mission – Marianists are always called to make our Church and our world a better place. We do not exist only for our own well-being but to respond to those in need, both near and far. As a prophetic witness to our faith we seek to reach out to all without regard to status or hierarchy. Lay Marianists support one another in their personal ministries. Some work for or have started Marianist ministries.
  • Mary – All of our work is done in the spirit of Mary bringing Christ to the world. We seek to live the spirit of humility and justice of Mary’s Magnificat and to say ‘yes’ to God’s call as Mary did.