b'Hello, PLEASE PRARAMy name is Brother Mark, AY Y and I have the pleasure for our Marianist Brothers in Initial Formationof serving as the provincevocation director. CONTACTSA contact is the rst step to becoming a Marianist Brother. While this is an ofcialsttep, it is the least formal. Contacts have expressed interest in discerning Marianist step, it is the least formal. Contacts have expr religious life and are given support through various ways.In this role, I help young eIf you would like to be a contact and receive help discerning Marianist religious life, people listen to their call please contact Brother Mark Motz, SM.from God and assist Were saving a 314.250.4505 [email protected] as they discern place for you!Marianist religious life.ASPPIRANTS/ PRENOVICESASPIRANTS/ PRENOVICESNOVVICCESThis poster (right) isAspiirants, also called prenovvicees, live and pray Aspirants, also called prenovices, live and pray dd pwith a Marianist community and volunteer in a with h a Marianist community and volunteer in acommunity and volunteer in a unity and volunteer in adesigned to encourage Marianist-sponsored ministry for 10 months inorder to gainabet tersense of w what Marianist religious lifew whprayer for Marianists in is reaally like. formation and to invite Jesus Alvarez Peter Evans Steve Kimothers to think about lifeas a vowed Marianist. NOVICES Novices enter a unique period of ff f formationPlease use this poster as where their main focus is to discern Marianistreliggious liffe. \x1fis is accomplished througha reminder to pray for classes, f formative direction and a great dt ealour Marianist Brothers of time in praayer. in formation and as an Francisco Cho, nSM John Shim, nSMinvitation to encourageMarianist religious life.TEMPORARY PROFESTEMPORARRY PROFESSED BROTHERSEMAfter novitiate, novices profess vows of poverty, Affter fess vows of povertyy, chhasthaachastity and obedience and then enter formal Thanks, minniistryiis y. They renew their vows every year for a m niimum of three years. After these years ofmin coonticontinued discernment, they may request perpet-ual v vows and add the Vow of Stability with theirVow o ong gl ong commitment to Marys mission.lifelong commitment to Marys mission.Brother Mark Bro. Leno Ceballos, SM Bro. Allen Pacquing, SM Bro. Justin Quiroz, SMDue to COVID-19, applications DISCERNMENTdoes not happen overnight. Initial formation is designed to accompany young man from rst interest until nal vows. But formation does ccoa yman fr il n ay for aspirants and prenovices not end there. Please pray foruture Marianists who are actively discerning \x00 t end r our fu arrianists who arot Pleap yforu e Mari s who arhave been delayed. Godds call.ll.If you would like an updatedposter sent to you this fall,please contact Brother MarkMotz at [email protected]/vocationsLEARN@vocations_marianist.us marianist.com/vocationsMORE'