b'Jeannine Smiley, print productionJeannine Smiley: Its a good fit for me. supervisor, Marianist MissionIf youre looking for Jeannine Smiley at the Marianist Its kept the work interesting while challenging herMission, youll find her tucked away in the print room to keep growing. a one-person printshop piled with paper and recent Jeannine also loves the family-like atmosphere atprint jobs. As the production printing supervisor, she the Mission where she has earned a reputation for aproduces 4 to 6 million pieces of mail each year, as Christmas parade she has hosted for the last 30 years.well as 450,000 envelopes. I do all of the printing for I collect toy Santasfrom a quarter-inch to three feetthe buildingall of the major jobs such as labels, tall. Most are toys that walk, she says. Every year sheforms and letters, says the 67-year-old who has invites employees and their kids and grandkids toworked for the Mission for 46 years. see the parade, a procession of toys that march theirJeannine started working full time for the Marianists way through her department and around the office.in 1974. I remember thinking that I would work here Some of the jobs at the Mission are stressful, espe-for a couple of years. Well, look how that turned out! cially those dealing directly with hurt and lonelyshe says with a laugh. But its a good fit for me. people. You neverknow whats going on in peoplesJeannine relishes multitasking. I like what I do. lives, says Jeannine. Our donors reach out to usTheres a lot of variety, and it keeps me busy. She also during critical moments in their lives. The Christmashas worked in every department at the Mission but parade is one way for us to stop and celebrate. Itsone. Mary Lawson and I were trained to do just about always fun.\x01every job so we could back up each other, she says.Learn more: For information about the cards and gifts ministries of the Marianist Mission, visit marianist.com/mission.marianist.com/donate 13'