b'ALL PHOTOS: BEN ROBINSONMary Lawson, data processingMary Lawson: I love untangling difficult problems. supervisor, Marianist Mission;behind her is a sculpture byFor the past 47 years, Mary Lawson, 67, has turned She also loves learning new skills, especially new the late Marianist Brother Meloff her alarm, eaten a quick breakfast, tended to her technology, the engine thats been driving her work Meyer, SM.familys needs and hurried off to a full day of work for the past four decades. That means a lot of on-the-jobat the Marianist Mission. Even this spring, while Ohio learning and troubleshooting.was shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she Mary started as a volunteer at the Mission in 1970tele commuted from home part of the week and went and began working full-time in 1972. Like many to the office on other days, joining the skeleton crew employees, she learned about the Mission throughthat kept things running. Not since the blizzard of family and friends. And she has counted on friends1982 has the Mission shut down, and that was just at work to get her through some tough times. Wevefor a day, says Mary. So she found it a bit odd to be been through a lot together. I just lost a sister, she says,working from home. Im used to seeing and talking still feeling the sting of that loss and grateful for thewith others at the office each day. comfort she received from her work friends. Marys daily rhythms at work revolve around the One special avenue of support for employees at thedata processing operations and her staff of five employ- Mission is a weekly prayer service held in the chapel.ees. I enjoy processing our donors contributions and These prayer services help Mary relieve some of theorders, she says, describing the primary function of pressures shes feeling at work or home. It gives meher department. But when difficulties arise, shes the a chance to give it back to God, she says. first to dive in. I love researching and untanglingdifficult problems.marianist.com/donate 11'