b'THE CAUSES: OLD-STYLET he poster of the Blessed Marianists, which was unveiled inAugust and appears on Pages 12-13 of this issue, presents anew and different look for the 10 Marianists who have beenbeatified and are one step away from canonization as saints.For comparison to the new images, weve dedicated this page toprevious artwork of the Blessed Marianists: Blessed William Joseph Chaminade; beatified, September 3, 2000 Blessed Maria de la Conception (known colloquially as BlessedAdle); beatified, June 10, 2018 Blessed Martyrs of Ciudad Real (Brother Jess Hita, Brother CarlosEraa, and Brother Fidel Fuidio): beatified, October 1, 1995 Blessed Martyrs of Madrid (Father Miguel Lbar Garay, BrotherSabijno Ayastuy Errasti, Brother Joaqun Ochoa Salazar, andBrother Florencio Arniz Cejudo): beatified, October 30, 2021 Blessed Father Jakob Gapp (also a martyr): beatified, November24, 1996Blessed William Joseph ChaminadeBrother Florencino BrotherArniz Cejudo JoaqunOchoaSalazarFather Miguel Lbar Garay Brother SabijnoAyastuy ErrastiBlessed Martyrs of Madrid (Father Miguel Lbar Garay, BrotherSabijno Ayastuy Errasti, Brother Joaqun Ochoa Salazar, andBrother Florencio Arniz Cejudo)Blessed Maria de la ConceptionBlessed Martyrs of Ciudad Real (Brother JessHita, Brother Carlos Eraa, and Brother Fidel Fuidio)Blessed Father Jakob Gappmarianist.com/donate 15'