b'A Messagefrom the ProvincialDear Friends of the Marianists, children approached the catechist for the lesson.Some came forward with visible excitement, othersAs I write this letter in late August, were came with reserve and others with a parent or a sibling.beginning a new school year. As Provincial, The catechist greeted them all with a smile and openI work very hard to accept invitations from arms. After the lesson, the children returned to theour schools, parishes and universities as they church. Most who had approached reservedly returnedbegin the school year. Attending these events with smiles. Some ran to their parents, while othersallows me to witness the wonder of the still exhibited an air of caution. Marianist Charism and educational experi- I quickly realized that these little ones are veryences: a true blessing! much like us. We come to the Word of God in ourMarianist brothers and priests are active own way.Sometimes were excited, sometimes werein many different ministries that help others scared, and other times, we just come. The importantlearn, share and live the faith. As Marianists, thing is that we come to our loving God and that hewere inspired by Blessed William Joseph greets us with open arms.Chaminade, who found new ways to spread As Marianists, we also know that our Blessed Motherthe Christian message in France in the early provides us the example of how to be strong in our1800s. In 2022, we continue his enthusiasm faith and how to stand firm at the foot of the cross.and creativity as we minister to a world that In a world that desperately needs a Christian message,Father Oscar Vasquez, SM needs the presence of Jesus and the model of Mary. the Marianists work to be the face of Christ to thoseA Marianist Consecration prayer states, Blessed Mary, most in need.it is in your name and honor that we embrace the Thank you for the many ways you support ourMarianist life; all that we have and all that we domission of providing for faith formation, whether inis for the honor of Mary. our parishes, universities or high schools. We strive toWe sometimes learn from the youngest among us.follow Blessed Chaminades dream of re-ChristianizingIn late August, after the summer break, I had the our world.privilege of attending Mass at one of our parishes asit resumed its Childrens Liturgy of the Word program. United in our Marianist Charism, I was amazed by the number of children coming forward to gather and then proceed to the locationwhere they would listen to Sunday readings in a Rev. Oscar Vasquez, SMchild-friendly format. I marveled at the ways the Provincial2 Call 1.800.348.4732'