b"Brother Richard Dix, SM, enjoys FINANCIER, FRIEND ANDspending time in the workshopat the Marianist Residence FIX-IT MANwhere he takes care of oddjobs and maintenance.Although Marianist Brother Richard Dix has been an educator and financial administrator for the Society of Mary, hes most proud of his many hands-on projects, helping his community behind the scenes. By Alex Z. SalinasI single-room air conditioning unit or cultivating hisf Tim The Toolman Taylor from the TV show HomeImprovement had joined the Society of Mary and 150 plants adorning the Residence. You name it had a knack for finance, youd have some idea of the most any project at the Residenceand Brothertalents that animate Marianist Brother Richard Dix. Richard likely has had a hand in it.Hardly a day passes during which 87-year-oldBrother Richard isnt repairing a wheelchair in the Drawn to the Marianist spiritMarianist Residence on St. Mary's Universitys campus, Born in Milwaukee, Brother Richard recalls growinghelping a Residence staff member oversee a $1 million- up with his five siblings during the Great Depression.plus budget, performing countless tasks like fixing a I had a paper route that paid $8 a week, he says.8 Call 1.800.348.4732"