b'all-prefect and pure one, qualities which can be illus- Byzantium, or Constantinople. It hadtrated only with icons of different titles and meanings. the reputation of being stronger thanShe is the All-Holy-One, the Panhagia. She may be the city wall upon which it was built.called Our Lady of Vladimir, pointing with her open The Oranta of Kyiv is an imposinghand to the Christ Child. We call this icon Hodegetria, image of authority and power. HandsOur Lady of the Way. Another famous Ukrainian icon and arms raised to heaven, Our Ladyis that of Our Lady of Pochayiv, representing tender- relates with wide-open eyes to theness and intimacy with the Christ Child on her arm. onlooker. Her silent message inspiresHowever, the icon that characterizes best the Marian trust and security: I am your inter-devotion of the Ukrainian Catholics is that of the Pokrov. cessor and protector. She is robed inThe love of this Marian a richly folded, blue-golden vestment.title goes back to the 12th And there is a detail, seemingly insig- century. The image of the nificant, which gives the image a wholePokrov is present on church new look and meaning. Hanging fromand military banners, her belt, dazzling white against thewas popular among the rich blue of Marys tunic, there is anCossacks and remainsembroidered handkerchief. It is therea treasured image of to wipe the tears of all those whoUkrainian identity among take their hardship and pain to theimmigrants. Reading Oranta of Kyiv. In this mosaic theUkrainian poetry, we power of the Pokrov combines withhear the constant refrain: the love of the Mother.We beg you in an evil And so the Ukrainian people mayhour, with your Pokrov confidently pray:cover us now. Indeed, Kind Mother, only Mother!Holy Mother, You are Pray in Heaven to your Sonour hope in Heaven, and That West and East in unityour Protectress in need. Might sing a song of gratitude.Ukrainian Mother of God by The term pokrov meansMaria Harasowska-Daczyszyn veil, and its meaning is Above: The Oranta of Kyivsometimes expanded to mantle, and even roof. This At left: Mary the Woman oftitle of Our Lady goes back to a Marian apparition to Freedom II by Mikulas KlimcakSaint Andrew in Byzantium in which she illustrateswith her Maphorion (veil) that she is the mediatrix ofGods grace to his people. In the Slavic tradition theveil becomes a sign of protection. We see the ongoingpresence and affection for this icon in the recently introduced national holiday coinciding with the feastof the Pokrov on Oct. 14.The ultimate symbol of Ukrainian freedom andindependence, and its most precious spiritual treasure,is the Oranta, or Virgin Orans. The Oranta is a six-meter-high mosaic ornating the apsis vault of theSaint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. It has a special name:the Indestructible Wall.The mosaic and the wallon which it stands have been indestructible since theconstruction of the cathedral in the 11th century. Marianist Father JohannThe cathedral repeatedly has been damaged and Roten is an internationallyrebuilt, but the wall with the Oranta always has sur- recognized scholar and vived. The title "Indestructible Wall" goes back to an authority on Mary, theeven older church, the church of the Blachernae in mother of Jesus Christ.marianist.com/donate 5'