b'Recent graduate, ElizabethPHOTO: MATT DAYKAZimmerman (far left), and class-mates, sort through recyclableswith Brother Tom Oles, SM.Francis Laudato S encyclical on the environment. Brother Tom, who assists Chaminades theaterHe also was inspired by a recycling effort hedprogram, was more than happy to help with the seen during a campus visit to Chaminade College recycling program, having witnessed firsthand thePreparatory in St. Louis.effectiveness of REDS intervention work. I spentFather Joseph professed vows as a Marianist in 2003 several years in India and have seen the REDS min-and worked in ministry with REDS programs and istries, he says. It motivates me to do my part.unemployed youth prior to his 2016 ordination. Later,PHOTO: MATT DAYKAhe returned to serve as director of the REDS vocational An all-out campaigntraining institute. In 2017, he began his assign- Clearly, the REDS programs would benefit fromment in the United States as a chaplain at fundraising efforts, but would a school recyclingChaminade in LA. program aimed at garnering these funds gain theFather Joseph says that REDS programs support of the administration, faculty and students?meet urgent needs. Today, we reintegrate Father Joseph had doubts. But his concerns vanishednot only the poorest children from the slums when he proposed the idea to school leadership. Iinto society, but also children of single parents, was surprised by their reaction, he says. Thechildren who drop out of school, unemployed whole school has been very supportive.youth and women, he says.Father Joseph first brought the recycling programREDS, which is celebrating its 30th anniver- idea to the campus ministry team who directed himI am happy the children sary this year, operates 22 centers where chil- to Julie LaBelle Sprouse, the high schools director ofhave learned aboutdren learn basic literacy skills including student activities. She was excited about the idea andstewardshipfor thereading, writing and math. When possible, immediately sprang into action, he says. Within Earth and one another.these students are placed in full-time schools. a month, with the help of students, high school Older students, many who have been living Principal Brother Tom Fahy, OSF, and other faculty, Father Josephraj Rymond, SM on the streets, attend one of two REDS Skills we ordered 50 bottle-shaped recycling bins for recyclingTraining Centers that provide room and board, on both campuses.and an opportunity to learn a trade such as carpentry, With the foundation for campus recycling in place,welding, electronics, plumbing or tailoring.Julie suggested ways to expand the program and its20 Call 1.800.348.4732'