b'He wanted the mission, spirit and fire of the Marianist A new chapter beginsTodd Guidry chats with studentsCharism and our guiding principles of Marianist educa- and faculty during a lunch break;Last January, when it was announced that Todd would the photo on the wall shows thetion to continue. be Chaminades next president, he wrote: Chaminades late Father Ralph Siefert, SM, Phil describes the Marianist Charism as the glue mission and purpose is clear and profound. We remain donning his camera at a schoolthat keeps us together, especially the values of com- committed to using that mission, rooted in our Mari- sporting event.munity, inclusivity, faith and service to the poor and anist Charism, to guide and inspire us. In todaysto youthall while seeking to continue the Blessed rapidly changing world, the need for sufficientlyMothers mission of bringing Christ to the world. formed hearts and minds is as necessary as ever.Matt Dailey, director of campus ministry and a Lay Looking to the future, Todd says the school isMarianist, agrees. Hes been associated with Marianist committed to preparing students to use their God-schools for 20 years, including the past 10 at Chaminade. given talents to be a positive change in the world. HeWe educate for adaption and change, says Matt. adds: It is imperative that our students have a deepThat means each student learns and builds within understanding of the values of Esto Vir, and we willhimself an ever-growing Catholic and Marianist identity. be relentless in instilling those values in our everydayFather Ralph also recognized the value of the work with our students and our community.laitys role in the Churchs mission, says Matt. As Ultimately, its the Family Spirit of ChaminadeLay Marianists, its natural for us to want to reflect that Todd loves most and is eager to foster. For me,the visions that Blessed Chaminade and Father Ralph and for so many students, parents, alums, as well asespoused in bringing Christ to the world. faculty and staff, Chaminade is a second home andUltimately, Matt says the schools leadership wants family. Its a community that I will cherish forever.\x00all Chaminade students and graduates to know howmuch they are loved. Kevin Conway is a freelance writer from Bloomington, Indiana.marianist.com/donate 9'